Abundance week 45

Dear readers and abundance readers, This week lets dig into our personal lives and talk about our families and the time we spent with them. Spending time with family should not be measured in quantity but in quality. Coming home to a smiling family is antidote enough to a stressed day at work. The best…

Abundance week -44

Welcome back to my readers and abundance seekers, Today we are touching upon a topic which is very close to my heart. lets start with a basic question of Who are you? when I ask this to people I often get names, place of origin, religion etc in response. But today I want you to…

Abundance week – 43

Dear abundance seekers and fellow bloggers, Isn’t it true to that to get to know the beauty andmajesty of a treeYou have to be quiet and rest in the shade of thetree?Don’t you have to stand under the tree? To understand anyone, you need to stand underthem for a little whileWhat does that mean? It…

Abundance week – 42

Dear Abundance seekers and fellow bloggers, How often do you do nothing? Really nothing. Like the “just sitting on the couch and staring off into space, alone with your thoughts” kind of nothing. Completely free from distractions. If you’re anything like the average person today, you’re probably thinking “rarely” or even more likely, “never.” In…

Abundance week 41

Dear readers and fellow bloggers, Welcome back. Just as the moon waxes and wanes, and the tides ebb and flow, drawn by her mysterious, magnetic pull, so our rhythm and energy flows too. Some days, we are brim full of energy and we feel we can turn our wildest dreams into reality. Other times, we…

Abundance week 40

Dear Readers and fellow bloggers, Welcome back. Last week we spoke about water and how it effects us emotionally, physically and spiritually. Hope you have taken some lessons from that. In my earlier posts I have also emphasized on building good habits and how to break away from toxic ones. Today we explore the origin…

Abundance week #39

Dear Readers and my loved followers, Water constitutes of over 60% of you and me. Yes it is 60 % of our body weight. No wonder water retention in the body makes you swell and sluggish. Water is one of the 5 elements of nature (prakriti) which can neither be created or destroyed. Water is…

Abundance – week 38

Hello Friends and welcome back, Apologies for a late post. But never the less, I am back. Today we will looks at keeping arguments at bay, and making disagreements constructive and healthy. Sounds funny ? Yes its doable. Please note Not all disagreements can be resolved immediately. Some need more time. Other may never be…

Abundance – week 37

Congratulations and welcome back to all my lovely readers and abundance seekers, As promised in week 36 today we embark on a new segment, so kindly allow me to introduce you to concept of raising yourself. All this while we have discussed concepts on knowing yourself, trusting yourself and growing yourself. Now what do I…

Abundance – week 36

Welcome back, In our last segment on self growth, today we explore WILLPOWER. Patanjali says “Yoga chitta vritti nirodha” or yoga is the cessation of the whirlpool of thoughts from the mind, intellect and ego complex. He always suggests two ways of doing this Practice or Abhayasa Detachment or Vairagya And interestingly both require cultivation…