Let it rain happiness…

Anger, scare or fear,What do I hear?When will the clouds clear?Returning life it’s dear? Recognise what’s happening,Try naming it too.Allow the emotion to pass,Visualise it too. Look deep into it’s needs,Investigate its origin too.Nurture it with love,Kindness and compassion too. This too shall pass,Says the bright big sun.This too shall pass,Says the hot round bun….

Paint Therapy

Painting is so therapeutic and meditative. Next time you feel low… throw your emotions on paper. Mis them in water, add some feelings and splash it on paper. Oh I am loving it ! Are you? Happiness and sunshine Nidhi


“The acronym RAIN is an easy-to-remember tool for practicing mindfulness and compassion using the following four steps: Recognize what is happening;Allow the experience to be there, just as it is;Investigate with interest and care;Nurture with self-compassion. You can take your time and explore RAIN as a stand-alone meditation or move through the steps whenever challenging…

Give the time some time…

No doubt Corona has spread all over the globe but to contain it we somehow need to come out of fear and anxiety which will make things worse.Need to think positive to keep mental state in balance otherwise people will suffer more from mental disorders and other diseases.The disease has only 4 percent death rate…

Gardening on paper

“I am too busy working on my own garden to notice if yours is more greener 🌱🌵 Beating the lockdown blues by trying my hand at water colour on paper. What are you doing to keep yourself busy ? Happiness and sunshine Nidhi

Greens of life

New day, new leaves,Some shedding,Some budding. A few struggle to erupt,Breaking the soil,To find it’s way. The lucky ones,Crack from the womb,Of nurture of care. To brave the fiery sun,To sway in the breeze,To soak in the April showers. And yet emerge,Victorious,From a seed,Returning to a seed. Nidhi

Mindful nurture ❤️

When you speak of “parent-centric” parenting it is highly rebuked by both parents and children calling you mean. Next came “child- centric” parenting which presented its challenges too, here the child became the centre of the universe and got into your head. Coming to parenting style, there are many from helicopter parents to snow plough…

Happy 9th my princess

I am so proud of her. Love her and bless her each day . Happy birthday Anaya ! Love Mom

From Corona to Karuna

Got up late, run for a shower Skipping breakfast, run to the bus stop Reached work, run for the meeting Target challenge, run a few calls Got back home, run through errands Past bedtime, running through notes Confused mind, run to sleep Run Repeat Run. STOP BREATHE, to live, to SEE the world full of…


A very relevant poem in the present context!! Lockdown Yes there is fear.Yes there is isolation.Yes there is panic buying.Yes there is sickness.Yes there is even death.But,They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noiseYou can hear the birds again.They say that after just a few weeks of quietThe sky is no longer…