Why Fear ? My Dear.

डर का ना रूप है,ना रंग ना आकर ।फिर क्यू घेरे यह मुझको,सताये हर बार ? { fear has no appearance, no colour no structure. Then why do I fear ? Why do I get troubled?} क्यू डरे?क्यू घबराए?क्यू घुटने टेकें?क्यू हारे इस बार? {why should I fear? Why do I get anxious? Why should…

Let it rain happiness…

Anger, scare or fear,What do I hear?When will the clouds clear?Returning life it’s dear? Recognise what’s happening,Try naming it too.Allow the emotion to pass,Visualise it too. Look deep into it’s needs,Investigate its origin too.Nurture it with love,Kindness and compassion too. This too shall pass,Says the bright big sun.This too shall pass,Says the hot round bun….


“The acronym RAIN is an easy-to-remember tool for practicing mindfulness and compassion using the following four steps: Recognize what is happening;Allow the experience to be there, just as it is;Investigate with interest and care;Nurture with self-compassion. You can take your time and explore RAIN as a stand-alone meditation or move through the steps whenever challenging…

Thought of the night 5

What stops you from being humble? Pride, Ego, Power, or the most famous excuse these days Lack of time? A tree with no fruit stands tall and erect with pride and nobody seeks them. Only when they are laden with fruits and have something to offer do we seek them. Does humility lower your self…

10 ways of Finding calm in the chaos !

How to find peace when everything around is buzzing ? How to relax the mind amidst the ocean of turbulent thoughts? How to remain sane when everything seems insane? Asked a friend after reading my post on finding peace and self love .How to meditate ? She asked again! When do I have the time…

Why BBM is the new BMW !

How do you feel when you drive the ultimate machine the BMW ? Oh Nidhi what a silly question ! Of course I will be happy. And what happens if you get stuck in a traffic jam ? Or a fellow motorist passed by you, or does not allow you to overtake ? What’s your…

New leaves New hopes

The branches unfold welcoming the new leaves is like a mother embracing its child in her arms ! Winter makes way for spring and the nature is embracing this change with happiness. It’s so natural you may say , then why is it so difficult for us to change ? Be mindful to your thoughts…

Be your own Shiva

Be your own Shiva The creator of your own destiny, The destroyer of all evil, The light of your own knowledge The peace of your own mind May you find happiness and sunshine 🙂 Nidhi


Those of you who follow my blogs and have read my previous blog on Toys will know what I am trying to talk about in this one. When we gave toys to the kids they were thankful, but not grateful. Thank you and gratitude are two terms which are closely liked and hence need to…


  Sharing some do’s we hear during  Navratri (an annual Hindu festival celebrated over  nine days commemorates the slaying of demons by Rama and the goddess Durga.) Eat only saatvik food once a day. This helps in maintaining balance between the mind and the body. It keeps the body cool and enables to think positively….