


While we sulk over the mundane on a rainy day and desire a holiday to an expensive destination to be happy, our little ones find happiness jumping in muddy puddles. Returning home in water soaked clothes becomes a moment of pride while we hesitate to feel the drops of water on our skin. On a recent hail storm a few days back I remember yelling at the kids to stay indoors and keep warm.


Why didn’t I let them collect those tiny snow balls from our garden that day? Or let them taste the snow and feel the rain drops? Prevention is better than cure. Agree, but sometimes being over preventive refrains us from enjoying the beauty of the moment. How will they (kids) dodge the ball well unless they know the taste of mud? The kids bear scars/wounds/scratches like badges of honour and never forget to show it to their friends explaining its significance. And while I am writing this, my younger one comes with a few scratches on her knee as a result of a running race in her PE class. My motherly instincts trigger an alarm and I rush to get an antiseptic while she proudly explains on how she defeated her class mates in the race. Her happiness had healed her wound and she refused any medical attention to it. Later in the night she even showed it to her father, filling herself with pride. “Dad, I did not cry at all “were her words to him.


Even a tiniest pimple on the cheek keeps us from socialising, forget about wounds and scars. We try to conceal it by applying layers of foundations and other gimmicks showed on the internet. Not to talk about lost self-esteem and confidence. That small pimple becomes the talk of the day and outshines all the good that’s happening around. And what does it bring to us? Sadness. We often go to the parlour for a haircut and end up getting a face treatment or hair spa done why? Because the stylist makes a comment “Madam your hair is dry “or “Take this acne blemish control facial it’s on 50 % discount”. Hence instead of enjoying the head massage we start to worry about the scars and leave the parlour with a larger hole in our wallet and feeling Unhappy.


Enough! High time we enjoy the rains with our kids, take risks, make new records and forget about sickness, failure and failing. Waiting for the next hail storm anxiously now. when life throws lemons at us , its time we learnt how to make and relish lemonades.



when was the last time you made some ?

Happiness and sunshine 🙂






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